Monitoring relatives at risk

The genetic test and the appointment for risk assessment are done, ultimately, to establish the most suited monitoring and preventing measures for the disease in that family.

Relativamente a pessoas saudáveis portadoras de mutações para HNPCC ou PAF existem mesmo recomendações da SPED   (Sociedade Portuguesa de Endoscopia Digestiva), que aconselham o tipo de prevenção mais eficaz.

For healthy individuals with mutations that can result in HNPCC or FAP, there are recommendations for the most efficient prevention involving earlier screenings and prophylactic surgeries. .


For high-risk individuals, the doctor establishes a screening and prevention program.

This plan is built by taking into account the person's lifestyle; it also carries risks and benefits that have to be adequately understood and thoroughly discussed with the doctor.

To assure that every angle is covered, the risk clinic works with a multidisciplinary team that includes specialists in imaging, surgery, gynecology, psychology, psychiatry, medical oncology, etc.

Not all individuals will be followed by the risk clinic though learn why .

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