Cancer types
The name “colorectal cancer” is used for any cancer of the colon or rectum.
Nevertheless, the designation includes a number of different tumors.
Most have a common origin – a genetically abnormal cell from the intestinal mucosa that grows into a new abnormal tissue (Neoplasia, neo=newplasia=growth). However, depending on their mutations they also display distinct characteristics, which are crucial to identify the most suitable treatment for each case, in each patient.
Learn about the most frequent types of colon and rectal cancer and others less common , as well as some important sub-classifications that characterize tumors, and influence the choice of treatment.
In classifying disease evolution , you can learn how disease evolution is assessed so that the most effective treatment can be prescribed.
To treat colorectal cancer – or any other cancer – it is essential to understand the type of cancer and how it can evolve.