Collecting relevant information

The initial stage of a risk assessment consultation aims to know you (and your family) better. It is essential to learn about your:

Family history:

  • Relatives affected by cancer
  • What type of cancer? (Organ where it first emerged)
  • At what age did the cancer develop?
  • Are there any samples of these tumors?

Detailed clinical history:

  • What is your history of breast and ovarian cancer?
  • Have you been exposed to any significant risk factor? (e.g., hormone replacement therapy, radiation exposure or radiotherapy)
  • Have you already had a biopsy?
  • Your reproductive history

All this information should be taken to your first appointment, together with the most relevant medical tests, and the tumor(s) histopathology reports (including those from affected relatives).

This first consultation is also the ideal time to talk with the doctor and  reduce your anxiety  about the possibility of having hereditary cancer in your family.

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Know… the leaflets on the side effects of breast cancer therapies: how to manage problems, such as nausea and vomiting, or hair loss. (see)
Know… the interactive "familial history", allows the construction of a graphic with the history of breast cancer in your family. (see)
Know… more about cancer biology: what is a mutation and what promotes these changes in cells DNA? (see)
Know… What is a triple negative cancer? Drinking alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer? What is the anatomy of the breast? (see)
Know… what you know about familial breast cancer: complete our 7-question "expert " quiz. (see)
Know… more about sporadic breast cancer, and test your knowledge using our 7-question quiz. (see)
Know… the particularities of breast cancer in man: test your knowledge in our 7-question quiz (see)