Clinical trials

Clinical trials are research studies carefully designed to test promising new treatments (or procedures), in this case for cancer.

They are tested in patient volunteers, and may or may not be financed by an outside organization.

To participate in a clinical trial is to contribute for the development of medicine, what, ultimately, benefits you and other patients. It might be, as well, a good way to increase your treatment options, since patients in clinical trials will be the first ones to get new drugs.

There are benefits, risks and limitations inherent to these studies, and is important that you understand these well.

To know more see clinical trials and placebo

If you are interested, start by asking your family or hospital doctor if there are clinical trials in which you could participate. There is even the possibility of participating in a clinical trial specific for your disease being run in another country.

The Anti Cancer Fund  is a website where you can find clinical trails run by respected scientific institutions all over the world.

Before making a decision, though, try to understand how clinical trials work. The volunteers also have to fulfill certain requisites. If you do, then you can decide if you want to participate in them.

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