
A biopsy is a procedure where a tumor sample is collected so a pathologist can examine it under a microscope.

This analysis serves to characterize the tumor type, so chose the most suited treatment against it.

It is the only analysis that can determine whether a lesion is benign or malignant.

In colorectal cancer, the biopsy is often performed during the colonoscopy - whether a regular screening that detected polyps (polypectomy), or an exploratory colonoscopy because the patient showed suspicious symptoms.

If the polyp is small it will be destroyed by the biopsy, for bigger ones, doctors use a wire loop, passed through the colonoscope, to encircle the polyp, and remove it using a small electrical current

Other instruments can be used to collect tissue samples, whether from larger polyps/tumors or flat lesions, for biopsy. The procedure is quick and painless.

In exceptional cases, a tissue sample by colonoscopy is not possible, in which case the tumor needs to be surgically removed and only then characterized.

In the sction  sub-classifications of the pathology  you can look more closely at the laboratory tests used to identify the type of tumor.poderá conhecer mais de perto os testes laboratoriais que são realizados para conhecer o tipo de tumor.

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