
The medical community has been trying to understand these geographic differences and their connection to the causes of colorectal cancer. 

Research now supports a “westernized” theory of colorectal cancer. 

A recently published article analyzing the statistics of colorectal cancer throughout the world, using 2012 WHO data, have identified three main trends in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality:

  1. The most rapid increase in both colorectal cancer incidence and mortality is seen in transition economies (a transition economy is one that is changing from central planning to free markets), especially in Eastern Europe, Asia and South America
  2. Increases in incidence, accompanied by reduced mortality, can be seen in developed countries such as Canada, UK, Denmark and Singapore
  3. In contrast, incidence and mortality rates, despite remaining very high, have been stabilizing or declining in the most top developed countries such as USA, Australia, New Zealand and several Western European countries

According to “Global patterns and trends in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality” the differences observed between the different countries/areas of the world seem to result from the existence (or absence) of programs for disease screening, and risk factors linked with economic development and westernization (all of which can be altered).

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