Cancer risk in HNPCC 

HNPCC (Lynch syndrome) cancers are usually diagnosed at a young age, and more than one can develop. 

Someone carrying an HNPCC mutation has about 70% chance of developing colorectal cancer before the age of 70. Contrary to what occurs with FAP, the polyps appear mostly on the right ascendant side of the colon. 

There is also an increased risk of other cancers – especially womb (uterine) and ovarian cancer in women, and stomach cancer in both genders (see table). 

The risk of these other cancers is high and requires preventive measures appropriated to each case. 

Talk with your doctor about going for  genetic counseling. .

There are already genetic tests for the MLH1, MSH2 e MSH6 genes, allowing the identification of families with the syndrome and what family members carry the mutations.


  • Not everyone in a family with HNPCC will carry the mutation;
  • Not all diagnosed cancers in such family are necessarily linked to its hereditary cancer mutation;
  • To have the mutation does not necessarily means that the person will develop cancer in the future, just that has an increased risk of that happening;
  • There are several possible options to help manage an increased risk of cancer
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