The period of treatment

A cancer treatment is always a challenging period.

Procure informar-se sobre como poderá atenuar os pontos menos positivos neste período e tirar o melhor partido para si, no futuro.

Try to minimize the less positive aspects, and make the best of the changes you will have to make. During the treatment you will need time to take care of yourself, and this might be an opportunity to develop permanent habits for a healthier lifestyle, with less stress, better diet and regular exercise.

Always remember that most secondary effects are temporary.

You must also remember that they are part of a process to:

  • Improve your health
  • Reduce the chances of disease recurrence
  • In the case of metastatic cancers, kill any remains of the disease

During this stage it is important to be surrounded by people who can help you, but also make you feel more calm and serene. 

Never ever isolate yourself. Your medical and nursing teams are also there to help with any doubts, fears or anxieties. 

Feel secure in the knowledge that you have a medical team that has been chosen for their clinical and human qualities.

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