Genetic counseling 

A genetic test is never just an exam and a result

To learn that one is carrying a mutation that drastically increases the risk of developing cancer, has a strong psychological and emotional impact. Consequently, the genetic test should always be done together with specialized counseling from the genetic cancer clinic.

This counseling is done on two periods - before and after the genetic test – and aims to give information that can help making a decision on the test, but also on other future questions.

This is a different type of counseling from that given by psychologists because it covers topics specific for a person at risk of cancer including:

  • How to understand the genetic test (its benefits, risks and limitations)
  • How to interpret the results and their implications
  • What is the cancer risk
  • Impact on work
  • How to communicate the risk to relatives
  • Confidentiality and health insurance

As you know it is your personal decision to go or not go through the genetic test, so be sure to be well informed and to have discussed all your doubts and fears with your doctor.

Together with this counseling you can also receive support from psychologyservices. These can help you to analyze the implications of the test results in your family life, how to organize the future, talk to relatives – including your children -, and deal with the anxiety and sadness that often occur.

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