Family cancer/High-Risk Clinic

The risk of colorectal cancer in a family, and among family members, can be assessed by specialized medical services.

These services can have a number of names - familial risk clinic, genetic cancer clinics or high-risk clinics- and are based at main hospitals or oncology centers.

The genetic study of an individual at risk can prevent future cancer development

Who should attend?

Genetic counseling is for families with a strong familial history of colorectal cancer.

During the appointment, the doctor or geneticist:

  • Studies both the personal and family medical history of the person being seen;
  • If there is suspicion of a genetic abnormality, a genetic test might be suggested;
  • According to the results, measures for prevention and monitoring of the disease will be advised, possibly starting earlier than the general population.
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Know… side effects leaflets for colorectal cancer treatment. Learn how to cross this period with more tranquility. (see)
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